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St Mark's Primary School



St Mark's follows the London Borough of Merton admissions policy and Merton co-ordinates admissions for all year groups.  Parents/carers should refer to the Merton website for the admissions criteria (see links below) and the Merton school admissions team can be contacted on 020 8274 4906.



Children can start St Mark’s Nursery in the term following their third birthday. We have 30 places in our Nursery. Each year there is a single application and offer process for Nursery places. Applications for admission to Nursery can be made on paper forms or online via the link below.  Offers are sent out to parents/carers in May.  Once a place has been accepted parents/carers are invited to visit the school and meet the Nursery staff who will explain the settling in process.



Children are admitted to Reception in the September following their fourth birthday. Applications may be made online via the Merton website (see link below). Offers are sent out to parents in the April prior to entry. Once parents/carers have confirmed to the London Borough of Merton that they are accepting a place, contact details are forwarded to the school. Parents/carers are then invited to visit the school and informed of the settling in process. 


Parents should use the following links for information on Nursery, Reception and general school admissions:

Nursery admissions


Reception admissions 


In-year admissions  



Admissions to secondary schools 

For full details on how to apply to secondary schools, both in and outside the London Borough of Merton, parents should follow the link below:


 Secondary admissions


Admission Appeals

For details of Merton Council's school admission appeals, parents should follow the link below:

Admission appeals