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St Mark's Primary School


We have been asked to clarify our policy on children being brought to and collected from school.  Our greatest concern is to ensure that each child arrives at school safely every morning and returns home safely every evening.  We have therefore agreed the following guidelines:

  • Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils may only be brought and collected by a known adult aged 18 or above.
  • Pupils in Years 3 and 4 may only be collected by a known person aged 14 (Year 9 in High school) or above when we have received notification from parents.
  • Pupils in Years 5 and 6 are allowed to walk home on their own once their parents have filled in a permission slip.


We appreciate your support in this matter and thank you for working with us to help all of our children remain safe at all times.



If you are going to be late collecting your child from school for any reason please make sure that you contact the school and let them know. The staff can then reassure your child that you are on your way and again prevent them from becoming distressed.

If we are unable to contact you in an emergency or in the event that your child is late being collected from school, we may need to contact the Police and/or make a referral to Social Care via the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub.

For parents or carers who repeatedly fail to collect their child on time from the school a referral to Merton Social Care will be made.

Additionally, we take this opportunity to remind parents and carers about the need to know who the adult is that is collecting your child from school.  If there is a change of usual adult, you must notify the school office and your child must recognize that adult before we will dismiss them from school.

Change of contact details

If you have recently changed your mobile phone number, moved house or changed any of your contact details, please ensure that you inform the school office as soon as possible.

Not being able to contact a child’s parents or carers in the case of an injury or emergency can delay any medical treatment that may be needed, cause concern to the school staff and, most importantly, cause the child to be more distressed than necessary.

Please ensure that the school has your current telephone number(s) and also the number of another relative, trusted friend, neighbour etc.