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St Mark's Primary School

Birthday Treats

Parents and carers like to celebrate their child's birthday in school and this page is set up to give some guidance on that. 

Birthday presents for the class

Some parents like to gift a present to the class for their child's birthday. Parents who wish to do this have the choice to buy class books for the book corner or wet play games etc.  If you are unsure which book or game to purchase, please feel free to speak to your child’s class teacher.

Birthday Treats

Parents have the choice to provide a sweet treat or 'party bag' for the children in their child's class. There is no expectation to do this but if parents decide to they will need to distribute this themselves at home time in the playground as the pupils are being dismissed.  Please also remember that this is a nut free school and some children have dietary requirements so please do consider gluten free, vegan and halal options if you are providing gifts for the whole class.