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St Mark's Primary School


On May 25th 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation came into effect across the EU. It is a new law that is being implemented in exactly the same way across all EU countries to create a level set of rules to ensure all data held and processed by organisations within the EU is secure and processed lawfully.

Click here to read more about GDPR on the ICO website.

Schools are required to comply with GDPR so we have been working on our readiness this academic year. We have:

  • Made staff and governors aware of the implications
  • A Local Authority Data Protection Officer
  • Begun reviewing all of our data and documents and updating them

We already have strong data protection policies and procedures in place but these need to be updated in line with GDPR. We will now have to produce documentation to prove our compliance but we are working closely with the local authority to make sure that GDPR is in place in our school.

We have robust and secure systems for both our electronic and paper records and we value and protect all of our student, parent and staff data.

The information we hold about you and your children is to enable us to run and organise the school efficiently. We do not share your information with external agencies unless it is directly related to, or necessary for, the running and management of the school. Like other organisations, we need to keep your information safe, up to date, only use it for what we said we would, destroy it when we no longer need it and most importantly – treat the information we get fairly.

As a parent/carer you may receive some letters from us regarding GDPR. Some of those may be about consent and some about updating your information with us. Please do read and send back everything you receive.


Click here for privacy notice about pupils


Click here for  general privacy notice 


Click here for privacy information about website