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St Mark's Primary School

Year Six

The Year Six class teacher is Mrs Rule and she is supported by Mrs Hayward.

The Year Six pupils are actively encouraged to become independent and resilient learners, whilst still developing the vital skills of team-work and collaboration. We expect our Year Six children to think critically about the world in which they live and for them to have opinions about and respond to issues on a local, national and international scale. 

Year Six pupils are confident and competent mathematicians as a result of the consistent use of the maths mastery approach.  They continue to learn about a wide range of mathematical concepts and are able to make reference to prior learning, drawing links to past teaching, when justifying their findings. 

Pupils in Year Six are expected to read fluently and be analytical of the texts they are reading. They are able to justify their opinions of the text using evidence from what they have read. They apply their wide knowledge of various grammatical structures, punctuation and vocabulary for a desired effect on the reader and write for a wide variety of meaningful purposes. Pupils write with a neat, cursive handwriting style and take pride in their writing. Their knowledge and understanding of spelling conventions within the English language are further enhanced and this knowledge is applied to their reading and writing (see below). 

The Year Six curriculum is enriched with a wide variety of broad, balanced and engaging learning experiences. Please see below for a snapshot of their learning across the academic year.

Weekly Timetable 

Yearly Overview

English and Maths Curriculum Objectives

Recommended Reads

Spelling Objectives