Year Three
The Year Three teacher is Mrs Thorpe and she is supported by Mrs Pulen Theran, Mrs Harris and Mrs Mayers.
The pupils in Year 3 make the important transition from KS1 to KS2 and begin to get to grips with the more complex learning involved within the KS2 curriculum:
As in Years 1 and 2, pupils in Year 3 are taught English using a range of high quality, engaging texts as a basis. The pupils' learning of grammar, punctuation and vocabulary is build upon from the previous year, allowing them to become more confident and effective writers who can apply their knowledge to a wider variety of writing tasks. The children in Year 3 should now be equipped to fully apply their comprehensive understanding of phonics from Key Stage 1, in order to be ready for the spelling patterns and rules of the Year 3 spelling curriculum.
In mathematics, children will be expected to at least know their 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 times tables. They will be taught place value to 100 and written column addition and subtraction. They will use metric measures and perimeter and draw 2D and 3D shapes. They will be taught to recognise, find and write fractions and interpret bar charts and pictograms.
The Year 3 pupils continue to engage in a wide range of learning experiences across their curriculum. Please see below for a snapshot of their learning across the academic year.
English and Maths Curriculum Objectives