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St Mark's Primary School

Year Two

The teacher in Year Two is Ms Norsworthy, and she is supported by Mrs Seoane, Mrs Rozanka and Mr Williams. Our children in Year 2 are more ready to learn formally and therefore complete more of their work independently. Our Year 2 teaching team actively encourage a more independent and resilient approach to learning. This will support the children with working collaboratively later on. 

Pupils in Year 2 continue to read and write for a variety of relevant and meaningful purposes. The children's knowledge and understanding of phonics and spelling rules are built upon and enhanced from Year 1. Pupils continue to take home reading books that have been chosen to reinforce their knowledge of phonics until they are phonetically secure. 

In Year 2, we teach the National Curriculum expectations for Maths using a maths mastery approach. This enables pupils to gain a deeper and broader understanding of the concepts being taught. Pupils are provided with a wealth of manipulatives to support their mathematical understanding and are encouraged to justify their mathematical thinking. 

Our Year 2 children experience a wide range of learning opportunities across their curriculum. Please see below for a snapshot of their learning across the academic year. 

Weekly Timetable   

 Yearly Overview

English and Maths Curriculum Objectives 

Recommended Reads